Wednesday, September 12, 2012

From the book 4R's by Apostle Judson Powell: Revival, Repentance, Relationship, Restoration.

4R's Book

The main question I placed before God was; why were people hearing the gospel and attending church and not being totally delivered, healed, and set free? Why are we as Christians losing the battle between the spirit and the flesh? I prayed and meditated on these questions every day. I ran an out reach ministry for the homeless and indigent. All of the sudden I was homeless and indigent myself. I was living in my van. The difference was that I knew that I wouldn’t stay homeless and indigent. I knew that somehow God was working a plan in my life. I just kept doing the work of the Lord. I would see people and minister to people that professed they knew the Lord. They could quote more bible scripture than I could, but the enemy still had them bound and enslaved to the flesh and in sin. Many of them came to church and attended service, but as soon as they left the service, they were back to being carnal minded, in addiction, abuse and other worse sin. I just kept asking God why? Why were these people not being totally healed, delivered and set free?

As I was riding in my van one day the spirit of God spoke to me. These four R’s were revealed to me as the answer to my prayer. I pulled the van over, wrote them down on a piece of paper, and put them in my pocket. Once they were in my pocket, I actually forgot about them.  That was on a Wednesday night. The next night, I went to a healing and deliverance meeting at a ministry that I usually went to on Thursday night. I attended those meetings because I coveted the gift to have God use me as a healer for the Kingdom. When I got there, a retired pastor friend of mine comes up to me, pulls me aside, and says he has something that God told him to tell me. To my surprise and to my joy, he told me the same four R’s that God had given to me while I was riding down the street. I then pulled the piece of paper out of my pocket and showed the paper to my friend. We just laughed and praised God because of his goodness and how he had confirmed his revelation. Revival, Repentance, Relationship, and Restoration was born as the vision God gave me for my ministry
Get your copy of the 4R's eBook today at my website 

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