The presidential election
is almost over. The only thing that remains is for everyone to go to
the polls and vote for Barack Obama. Mitt Romney has managed to place
his foot in his mouth again. I really do not think he gets it. Saying
that you are a rich kid, born with a silver spoon in your mouth and
that half of the country feels entitled to and is dependent
government programs. Then to say that if he would have been born in
Mexico he would win the election. Then to say all of this in front of
a room full of rich folks in private and get caught doing it and
having the nerve to stand by what he said. Like my baby daughter
would say; oh my God!
Mr. Romney, this is the
information and technology age. People have phones and cameras every
where. It is rare that you can say or do anything and not be
overheard or video taped. This is like a thief that robs the corner
store on video tape. Weren't you smart enough to know somebody would
see you and turn you in? Wisdom is known of her children, and that
was not wise. Mitt, can I call you Mitt? Wants to run the entire
country and be the leader of the free world but you keep making big
mistakes. Let's see you insult the host country of the Olympics, you
make remarks insulting Muslim countries, you flip flop on your health
care plan, and now this. Even a fool that keeps his mouth shut is
considered wise.
I do not even like
politics, but this latest debacle is utterly ridiculous. How is it
possible that you would insult the very people you want to lead?
Where is your compassion and love for the people? At the end of the
day running for political office is a popularity contest. Talking
about the people you want to elect you is not very smart. Mr. Romney
is not even popular among his own party. During the Republican
convention the last two Republican presidents and vice-presidents
didn't even show up to their own convention. The old saying goes,
“you look conspicuous by your absence.” The convention looked
like an old boys club meeting with rich folks holding million dollar
parties on yachts, while the rest of the country is struggling trying
to find its next meal or tank of gas. It is clear that everybody is
not struggling.
Stop with the I pulled
myself up by the bootstraps lies, when you never struggled a day in
your life. You are trying to portray yourself as one of the common
folk, but you are far from that reality. You have no empathy for the
people. You refuse to release your tax returns and documentation from
your past does not add up. What else are you trying to hide? If you
are lying about all of that, then what else will you lie to the
American people about? Just be honest, and say I'm a rich kid and
want to be president and help rich folk get richer. You parade your
wife in front of the country in a red dress to say “I love you
women” but want to take women back to the dark ages where they have
no rights at all. Your healthcare proposal will also take seniors and
others back to having little or no health care and really will not
stop the breach in spending on healthcare. So who are you for? Are
the American people the 2 percent that are rich or the 98 percent
that are not. Who will you fight for and represent?
The rich folks sold the
country out and now want to blame the poor and middle class. The very
people that Romney put down are in that situation because corporate
CEO's, like him, outsourced our jobs and moved their businesses out
of the country. Now they want to run on a platform of jobs and fixing
the broken economy which they broke in the first place. Then, they
want to do it with the same trickle down economic theory that has
never worked in the past. If it failed in the past, it is a good
chance it will fail in the future. It is all a lie to say the people
are dependent on entitlements when most of the welfare in this
country has been given to the RICH. All of the trillions of dollars
of bailout money went to corporations, not the poor and middle class.
It went to banks and car companies and big industry. Even the food
stamp program is to profit the rich. When people on food stamps go to
the store and buy food, the money goes right back into the hands of
the corporations.
The Republicans want
Latino votes but do not want Latinos in the country. In fact, they do
not want anyone who is not affluent to enter the country and have the
opportunity for the American dream. The proof is all of the
Republican sponsored immigration laws meant to keep Latino people
out. They parade a handful of Latino folks in front of us, so that we
will believe that they are inclusive of everyone, which is simple not
true. They do the same for the African-American vote. The
African-Americans that represent the Republican party tend to be more
well off than most. “Are their Blacks better than other Blacks?”
The democratic convention actually looked like the United States of
America. People of all races, creeds and colors. Wasn't that the
vision of the founding fathers of this country? Isn't the United
States supposed to be a melting pot where all can come together in
freedom and liberty and pursue the American Dream?
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